Their story begins in the fall of 2001. Mike and Kristin met on the campus of Oak Hill Elementary School while he was teaching and Kristin was working toward her doctorate. They would later recall that they had lunch together a few times and became work acquaintances with a deep respect and admiration for one another. Several years went by without seeing each other, but in 2008, Mike and Kristin happened to cross paths again at the restaurant that Mike was managing. Neither of them initially recognized the other, but they felt a strong connection. Upon picking up Mike’s business card, Kristin recognized his name and all the great memories of 2001 came flooding back. It was shortly thereafter that Mike asked Kristin out on a proper date. Needless to say, Mike and Kristin hit it off and began spending more and more time together. Their relationship continued to blossom and Kristin and Mike were incredibly blessed to welcome their adorable son Ezekiel Zev Dillinger into the world in August 2013.
The joyous experiences of the past decade have enabled Mike and Kristin to form a deep and loving bond that centers around their development as a family and their affection for one another. It is the culmination of this adventure, this prologue, to which Mike and Kristin would like to invite you to attend and bear witness. Their wedding will be a celebration of love, life and family. Mike and Kristin appreciate all the love and support they have received and look forward to sharing this special day, on the summer solstice of 2014, with you, their wonderful family and many amazing friends.
The Beginning